Where Will the Quest for Audience Attention Lead in 2019?

Throughout this year, we’ve seen a growing chorus of marketers demand increased transparency, quality, and attention for their programmatic advertising investment. Industry initiatives like Ads.txt and the MRC’s viewability standard have helped establish a stronger baseline of human and viewable, but will brands look for more in 2019?

To find out, we surveyed more than 300 industry professionals and conducted qualitative interviews to better understand how buyers and sellers are defining and evaluating audience attention. This report, Fighting for Attention: The Industry Quest for Quality Views, summarizes these results and offers guidance on how buyer and seller attitudes will impact digital ad execution in the year ahead. Some of our findings include:

1. Brands are bullish on the potential of time-in-view:
77% of marketers assess the quality of audience attention based on number of seconds the ad was in-view

2. Programmatic growth is driving preference for CPM-based models:
81% of buyers are planning to test CPM-based approaches for time-based-buying vs. only 10% for other currencies (cost per second, etc…)

3. The digital advertising industry is ready for more:
95% of all respondents were ready to move beyond viewability to other measures of quality and engagement

You can download the report to get the full scoop or contact us to learn more about how our latest product releases can help you address these trends in the year ahead.


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