Regional News Group Sees Immediate 165% Cookie Alternative Revenue Lift from Lexicon

Lexicon Case Study




Bid Rate

Revenue from Outside of Third-Party Cookies

Win Rate


Bid Rate


Revenue from Outside of Third-Party Cookies


Win Rate


Regardless of when third-party cookies depart, programmatic advertising needs to operate beyond the browser to monetize all of a publisher’s inventory. Publishers are faced with finding an identity solution that will create addressability across their supply with limited technical resources. They depend on their supply-side platform partners to drive demand across their inventory. One of the largest regional media publishers sought an identity technology that could tap into unique cookie alternative demand at scale.

The Solution

A major supply-side platform integrated with 33Across’ Lexicon to seamlessly resolves identity signals for programmatic buyers. This allowed the publisher to resolve nearly 90% of their traffic to a demand-side platform’s ID. Programmatic partners can easily buy cookie alternative inventory on the open web while accessing overlooked audiences efficiently. This unique demand creates new revenue for publishers. The partnership between Lexicon and the SSP allowed the Regional News Group to resolve identity signals and make their unaddressable traffic targetable within the first week of launch.

The Results

Implementing Lexicon has enabled the Regional News Group to increase its demand opportunities exponentially. Lexicon’s identity resolution technology and more demand for inventory outside of third-party cookies attributed to their results. The SSP isolated their data for all DSPs vs Lexicon-enabled DSPs in order to see Lexicon’s total effect on revenue over the course of six weeks. The publisher saw a 15X revenue lift and a 165% increase in revenue from traffic outside of third-party cookies. Of the increased revenue driven by Lexicon, 82% was derived from Safari traffic. In addition to the revenue increase, the Regional News Group saw a 13% bid rate increase on cookie alternative traffic versus their third-party cookie traffic. With less competition, their win rate increased 36X on cookie alternative inventory versus their third-party cookie traffic.

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